Salerno Umhängetasche Mindy & Marlin

Die geflochtenen Taschen sind zu unseren kultigsten Modellen geworden. Jede Tasche ist aus Salerno-Kalbsleder handgewebt und ist somit das einzigartige Ergebnis einer ganz besonderen Handwerkskunst.

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Salerno Umhängetasche

Our braided bags are some of the most in-demand — and because of the time-consuming craftsmanship required to produce them, there is a long time between restocks.

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Iconic braided bags

The many braided bags have achieved cult status across a wide range of age groups, and with their seasonal colors, these bags are a timeless accessory that fits into any wardrobe. By hand-weaving this extraordinary leather and incorporating it into the Adax collection, we have created unique products that have become Adax's most iconic bags.